Monday, October 17, 2011

The Future is Only Years Apart

What do you want? For sure I want to professionalize in the medical field or biology field and I want to master in foreign languages..
What must you do to have it? I know that I have to have my head in the right place and into more work so that I'll be able to master these things...
How would you feel when you had it? I think that for the first time I would feel like I've succeeded in the this world, and although it's not what people expect, it's something that I find joy in...
--To professionalize in the medical field/biology and in foreign languages and I think that for the first time I would feel like I've succeeded in the this world, and although it's not what people expect, it's something that I find joy in...
--I really have to get out of laziness and put my effort into high gear...
--I would feel overwhelming joy..
-- To professionalize in the medical field/biology and in foreign languages and I would feel overwhelming joy..

Friday, October 7, 2011


Many times our perceptions are very distorted rather than clear, self-defeating rather than constructive.
First things first. Distort: to twist. Following the quote, many of times our perceptions are distorted. We love to twist things into what we want them to be rather than let it be straight up. We are so fearful of the truth that we refrain from the mirror or what we actually might look like inside; we choose to see things in another dimension rather than what is actually there. Other times our perceptions cause us to beat ourselves up because we have been built up around these ideas that we cannot break from them, and we choose to construct the right thing. But before we can find out about ourselves than other, we need to find what are perceptions? Why do we have them? How can we escape from them so that the quote above isn't true?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thought Of the Day

It will happen because you know what you want, and you move toward it in a strategic, consistent, meaningful, and purposeful manner. 
 Most people think that in life, to get where you want it JUST requires talent. No. When you are aware of what you want to be in life it takes more skill, intelligence, and a GAME PLAN. The goals in your life need to line up with what you want to be. These goals can only be accomplished if you work at it though and... take action. Waiting around causes more laziness and you will see all your opportunities pass you by. And when you decide to take action, make sure that it is not half-heartily and to your fullest. I believe this is what needs to happen in my life personally.